abandoned flooded quarry, Czech republic

Archived Event

Biodiversity in Quarries: Dynamic ecosystems for dynamic economies?

Date and Time

29 March 2021 / 15:00 - 16:00


Environment, EU


Przemysław Ogiński
Maria Nyberg
Prof. Grégory Mahy
Dave Kent

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Biodiversity in Quarries: Dynamic ecosystems for dynamic economies?

Can we secure the supply of raw materials for the European Green Deal while keeping biodiversity alive? How do we face this challenge?

Biodiversity is an important challenge for extractive industries. The targets proposed for 2030 will have a significant impact on raw materials sourcing. This online meeting will look at the practice of ecosystems management in the extraction of raw materials, using the example of gypsum quarries. We will question to what extent such activities are a threat or a help to biodiversity, and how the positive contribution of quarries to biodiversity can be properly accounted for.

We will also look pragmatically at how sustainable raw materials sourcing can be secured to achieve Europe’s Green Deal objectives. How does the renewed focus on environmental and biodiversity priorities interact with other existing initiatives – including legislative – at national and international level? What are the current obstacles?


  • Przemysław Ogiński, Unit D.3 Nature Protection, DG ENV
  • Maria Nyberg, Unit I.1, Energy Intensive Industries – Raw Materials, DG GROW
  • Prof. Grégory Mahy, Research Institute for Nature and Forest, University of Liège
  • Dave Kent, Chairman of the Raw Material Committee, Eurogypsum

Eurogypsum, the European federation representing manufacturers of plaster, plasterboard and gypsum products, is delighted to invite you to interact with representatives from the European Commission, academia and industry to discuss sustainable raw materials supply.

abandoned flooded quarry, Czech republic


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