
Archived Event

Ocean Vision 2030: Are eco-certifications ready for the challenges?

Date and Time

28 September 2021 / 13:00 - 14:30




Blue Deal

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Ocean Vision 2030: Are eco-certifications ready for the challenges?

As the drive towards sustainability accelerates, the expectations for the fishing industry and its transparency are increasing. Consumers buy products with eco certifications to support the green transition, but are these helping to push the agenda forward or potentially undermining progress by simply certifying ‘business as usual’? What are the current best practices in the fishing industry and how do we expect these to change by 2030?

The Blue Deal Debates series is coming back! Join Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Brussels on September 28 from 13:00 – 14:30 CET while we explore the trajectory of global best practices in fisheries looking forward to 2030 and the role of eco-labels.

In the upcoming edition, ‘Ocean Vision 2030: Are eco-certifications ready for the challenges?’, you will hear from:

Jakob Surber, Seafood Sustainability Specialist at Micarna SA, Switzerland
Bubba Cook, Western and Central Pacific Tuna Programme Manager, World Wide Fund for Nature, WWF-New Zealand
Shannon Arnold, Marine Program, Senior Coordinator, Ecology Action Centre, Canada
Steve Trent, Founder/CEO, Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), UK

Braddock Spear, Global Policy Director, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, US


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