DE Event June 2020

Archived Event

Will Germany finally dare to lead?

Date and Time

22 June 2020 / 14:00 - 15:00




EU, Politics


Per Thöresson
Friis Arne Petersen
Reinhard Bütikofer
Almut Möller
Rüdiger Lentz

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Will Germany finally dare to lead?

A debate on the German EU-Presidency & virtual opening of Rud Pedersen’s Berlin Office


What does the COVID-19 economic crisis mean for the EU? | Almut Möller

German Leadership & Power | Almut Möller

EU in Crisis | Reinhard Bütikofer

Keeping the Bandwagon Together | Reinhard Bütikofer

Danish Perspective on German Leadership | Friis Arne Pedersen

Rud Pedersen Public Affairs: A European Consultancy | Morten Rud Pedersen

Why Open Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Berlin? | Hendrik Hagemann

Full Webinar

Event Description

You are warmly invited to celebrate the virtual opening of Rud Pedersen Public Affairs, Scandinavia’s premiere Public Affairs firm, in Berlin. We are proud to expand our services to the German capital, even in these challenging times. Our virtual opening kicks off with a debate on Germany’s upcoming EU Presidency and features an exciting panel:

  • Reinhard Bütikofer, Member of the European Parliament for the German Greens since 2009, former party leader and current co-spokesperson for the European Green Party
  • Almut Möller, State Secretary of the German Federal State of Hamburg and responsible for EU and German federal affairs, as well as former head of the European Council on Foreign Relations’s Berlin office
  • Moderator: Rüdiger Lentz, Executive Director at the Aspen Institute Germany and former Bureau Chief of Deutsche Welle in Washington DC

In addition, H.E. Per Thöresson, Ambassador of Sweden to Germany, and H.E. Friis Arne Petersen, Danish Ambassador to Germany, deliver welcome messages on the deep and vital relationship between Germany and the Nordics.

Finally, there is a virtual ribbon-cutting and a short interview with the new Berlin management team. We close out the event with live tunes from prominent Berlin DJ Elisa Elisa!

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